Two ages, two different imperfections but only one ally.
Sofia is very satisfied with herself, time passes but she manages to keep it at bay.
Unfortunately it has a weak point, the eye area.
She's tried a million products by now but she doesn't have time to reapply cream after cream all day, there are more important things to do in life, right?
Yes, but when he smiles… what a disaster!
Giorgia when you look you see only pimples, pimples under the skin, spots and blackheads.
They itch, hurt and make her feel dirty all the time.
By now it has become a real slavery to wear makeup and hide every time you leave the house, but how can you not see yourself?
Mom and daughter have found in the Ultra Intensive Care Treatment a starting point to start looking at each other again without turning up their noses.
The Ultra Intensive Care Treatment thanks to the research of Lagalene is ideal for:
• Deeper and more visible wrinkles on the face
• Lip contour and eye contour to obtain an immediate and visible lifting effect
• Signs of expression
• Bags and dark circles
• Blemishes, pimples, acne, psoriasis and eczema
Who do you share your beauty routine with?