Il benessere fisico parte da quello mentale. E’ davvero così?

Physical well-being starts from mental well-being. It's really like this?

"Mens sana in corpore sano", a phrase with ancient origins that contains everything you need to know to feel good about yourself .

In fact this is a statement full of truth and full of essence, a "commandment" that we should all keep in mind to feel good about ourselves, and consequently also with others.

Nowadays, however, it is more difficult to feel good about one's body and mind in a society that sets "stakes", rigid and well-defined standards to be followed , often deceptive and aiming only at appearances.

Food, diet, nutrition and our appearance are closely interconnected in today's world. Beauty standards have never been so tightly controlled.

Our advice is to be more aware of the pressures , especially on women and girls, to conform, as well as men's struggles with their body image.

The first thing to understand is that there are no "good" or "bad" bodies. Different types of bodies are attractive because they all have an individual shape, look, and texture. But we need to stop frowning at people who don't conform to a standard of beauty.

The way in which standards of beauty affect people can be very hard on the self-esteem of each of us, and obviously also cause mental as well as physical discomfort, the so-called body shaming.

We have to convince ourselves that every body is beautiful , even if society may say otherwise. The essential factor that must not be overlooked is obviously health, we should care about our health more than anything else, precisely for this reason our mental well-being also affects our physical one.

Be proud of who you are, not because someone else has to be proud of you, but because you want to be happy in your own skin.

The Holistic Beauty Lagalene wants in some way to promote both physical and mental well-being, for this reason our products are characterized by natural fragrances of essential oils specifically chosen to stimulate the cerebral cortex through the sense of smell and promote positive thinking, relaxation, energy and determination, such as the Multi-sense Treatment Complex and the Intensive Renewal Elixr .

Choose Nature, choose mental and physical well-being, choose to take care of yourself in the best possible way!

Beauty is a choice. Lagalene is your choice.
