Come svolgere una skincare estiva veloce, semplice ed efficace!

How to build a quick, simple and effective summer skincare!

We're in the middle of the summer season and between days at the beach, aperitifs and dinners with friends, there's less and less time to dedicate to skincare, but that doesn't mean we have to forget about it!

As we know, it is important not to neglect our skin , even in times when we have less time, in fact in this article we will give you some advice on how to carry out a quick, simple and effective summer skincare !

In the summer period our skin needs attention, in fact the sun, the heat and the salt water dehydrate the skin and speed up the formation of wrinkles and skin spots . This is why we must never "skip" our beauty routine!

What to do if you are short on time? What products to choose?

Surely it's essential to choose targeted and specific products based on your skin type and needs , even better if they're all-in-one products , so you don't take too many steps and make skincare shorter ( but always effective! ).

Here are some simple tips based on your skin type for a practical, short and quality beauty routine:

As you may have noticed, we recommend two to three products for a COMPLETE and effective skincare!

The rapidity of absorption of the products is important to prevent the face from remaining greasy (especially during the summer period, there is already the heat that makes the skin clammy), and above all the quality of the ingredients, it is better to prefer products that border on 100% of naturalness and above all that they are certified!

Pay the right attention to your skin, take care of your face even during the summer by choosing all-in-one products that give you fast, effective but high quality skincare, such as the Lagalene Milano beauty routine!


Beauty is a choice. Choose Lagalene.
