Come costruire il tuo muscolo emotivo

How to build your emotional muscle

In moments when everything seems to fall apart, when we need our inner glue, our emotional muscle is activated at that very moment.

What is Emotional Muscle?

Resilience is our ability to resist in the darkest moments and it is all the stronger the more trained our emotional muscles are; the latter are our inner strength that allow us to overcome all difficulties and recover faster and faster.

Often after a disappointment or a bad time we manage to use everything we've been through to become stronger .

Lagalene is also cultivating the philosophy of caring for one's mind ; the care and well-being of one's body and mind feed on each other.

How to train the emotional muscle?

If we keep running away from our fears, they will continue to overwhelm us, we must be aware of their existence even if they seem scary to us.

When we look at what scares us with greater awareness we have to face it the moment it manifests itself and not simply chase it away.

The goals we set ourselves can only be achieved if we are fully aware of our potential.

Knowing the reasons why we get angry, for example, can be the real engine of change , and puts us in a position to chart a new course.

Always looking for the "positive"

There are always those who are more optimistic than others, but optimism can be trained ; in every situation, looking for at least one positive side helps our ability to cope with stress and build our emotional muscle .

To be grateful

Some studies show how spending part of our time focusing on the positive aspects by showing ourselves grateful, helps us develop a positivity research model .

You can write down your positive aspects or keep a diary for example.

The 30 minute rule

Dedicating ourselves to the things we love , that we like to do, that give us joy every day for at least 30 minutes, builds an environment of positivity around us that breaks down everything that creates stress and bad mood.

Every day for at least 30 minutes we need to pretend we have an appointment that cannot be postponed, an appointment with the things that make us feel good .

Keep moving

How does it feel after a long walk? Or after a short workout? You feel more elastic and toned, this is because the body also needs to unload negativity and toxins .

Recognizing the signs of physical fatigue such as frenetic breathing, sweating and increased heart rate helps us to know how to manage them in times of stress and in situations of fatigue . This too is a way to train ourselves to face the intense emotionality of some moments.

Taking care of one's physical shape as well as the well-being of the body are one of the fundamental processes for improving self-esteem, in fact they develop the propensity to be safe and concrete in everything we do.

Develop your daily beauty routine : even seeing our face tired and dull helps induce insecurity; using an oil leads us to naturally massage our face, to get back in touch with our body and to caress it.

Lagalene Multi-sense Treatment Complex is a 100% natural nourishing oil which, through its rapid action, brightens and revives, reduces wrinkles and reduces signs of skin fatigue.

Its essential oils act on psychophysical well-being by promoting:

  • positive thinking (thanks to the properties of cedar, bergamot and bitter orange),
  • concentration (through the benefits of juniper and benzoin),
  • and determination (thanks to the active ingredients of elemi).

This mix of natural ingredients, elaborated following an artisanal method, contrasts the destabilizing factors such as stress and frenzy of modern life and offers support to psycho-physical well-being, just as important for us as the physical one.

Kindness and lightness

Facing thoughts and situations more lightly ( which is different from superficiality ) giving the right weight to each situation without being too harsh on ourselves, helps us to develop the search for positive aspects despite adversity.

We need to learn to turn off the negative dialogue within us and let the right balance flow into everything.

Put these simple tips into practice and take care of your well-being , the essence of beauty is already within us.

Beauty is a choice, Lagalene is your choice.
