Tempo per se stessi: 5 minuti al giorno per il proprio benessere psicofisico

Time for yourself: 5 minutes a day for your psychophysical well-being

How important is your own mental and physical well-being?

Psychophysical well -being is a condition of balance between physical health and psychological balance, and it is important to carve out 5 minutes a day to achieve it.

In most cases there is a bit of work to do, both on one's inner life and on one's daily habits, such as food choices, physical activity and body care .

What is psychophysical well-being based on?

  • Be in good physical condition
  • Psycho-emotional balance
  • Have a positive attitude towards situations and people (especially towards yourself!)

Nowadays it's not easy, given the hectic lifestyle we lead: stress and lack of time don't help us and force us to sacrifice time that we could dedicate to ourselves and to our health , which we often neglect and put at risk.

In fact, a fairly balanced lifestyle, a healthy diet, and good body care (with natural ingredients of course, such as the Lagalene line which is over 99% natural!) helps prevent ailments and diseases.

How to carve out 5 minutes for your psychophysical well-being?

To achieve psychophysical well -being it is important to understand which habits we can change and start this journey consistently , to obtain benefits in the short, medium and long term.
To maintain this well-being you need a minimum of commitment and love for yourself, what will 5 minutes to pamper yourself be like?

With Lagalene holistic skincare we really want to give a beauty cuddle ( unisex! ) that touches all the senses!

  • Touch : our textures are soft, soft, rapidly absorbed and pleasant to spread on the skin.
  • Smell : our products are over 99% natural and contain essential oils (as in the Multi-sense Treatment Complex) which combined together stimulate positive thinking , relieve stress and have an energizing effect!
  • View : the entire Lagalene product line is created with recyclable materials, and designed to give a beauty, sophisticated and refined touch to your clutch/bathroom shelf.
  • Hearing : that is represented by the sigh of relief and relaxation that you will feel once the Lagalene skincare is finished, in less than 5 minutes!

As previously said, well-being and the time (even if little) dedicated to us is worth more than anything, so in a life full of commitments and thoughts, let's help ourselves by giving ourselves even just 5 minutes to reach our psychophysical well-being !

Choose Lagalene Milano products for sensory, holistic, Made in Italy , eco-friendly and unisex skincare!

Beauty is a choice. Choose Lagalene.
