Quiet Quitting: il nuovo trend skincare che semplifica e riduce la tua beauty routine!

Quiet Quitting: the new skincare trend that simplifies and reduces your beauty routine!

What does Quiet Quitting mean?

The term quiet quitting is used to indicate a short, essential skincare , with very few steps, basically a minimal but functional beauty routine.

Quiet quitting is a concept that comes from the business world to express the opposite idea of ​​burnout , i.e. an excessive workload that leads to severe stress. Quiet quitting is therefore the opposite concept, something that does not require excessive pressure and does not cause anxiety and stress, something measured but still functional and effective .

So which skincare products include the concept of quiet quitting?

Quiet Quitting involves the use of only 4 products for complete, effective, functional and quick skincare : cleanser, serum, cream and sunscreen.

The basic concept is: satisfy the needs of your skin by eliminating all that is superfluous, using few products but of excellent quality .

Why do you feel the need to create minimal, quick and effective skincare?

Simple… In recent years skin care has come to include far too many steps and layering, this overloads the epidermis sometimes even worsening the initial situation and obviously not getting the desired results.

This new Quiet Quitting trend therefore invites us to do exactly the opposite by reducing the products we apply, choosing the necessary ones and eliminating the useless ones.

To recap:

Make your skin shine with a few multi-functional, high quality, certified and Made in Italy products !

Choose Quiet Quitting as your beauty philosophy and take care of yourself and your mental and physical well-being!

Beauty is a choice. Choose Lagalene.
